Stambaugh Applauds Sen. DiSanto's Efforts to Eliminate Property Taxes

Sen. DiSanto Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Eliminate School Property Taxes

State Senator John DiSanto has introduced a proposal that would allow Pennsylvania residents to vote directly on the elimination of school property taxes through an amendment to the state constitution.

Perry Stambaugh applauds Senator DiSanto’s initiative and fully supports efforts to eliminate school property taxes.

“Senator DiSanto continues to be an outspoken leader in eliminating the school property tax burden,” said Perry. “I look forward to working with him and the many other members of the General Assembly who are committed to property tax reform. It’s long overdue that we develop a more equitable system to fund public education.”

Senator DiSanto explains in his co-sponsorship memo that, “For decades, relief measures such as school property tax referendums and casino gambling have fallen short of expectations and have done little to ease the burden of Pennsylvania homeowners-especially our seniors living on fixed-incomes.”

Additionally, Senator DiSanto notes that his “amendment would also guarantee that our local school districts receive the same amount of revenue as they did from the property tax, so education funding would be more equitable for taxpayers while ensuring school needs are met.”

Learn more about Senator DiSanto’s constitutional amendment at

Perry Stambaugh